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Show news |
29.12.2012 NDS, Moscow, judge Reshetnikova S. Zoyas Kingdom Candy-ex1, CAC, BOS, BOB
Zoyas Kingdom Only Bravo- ex.1, junCAC, BOSJ
30.12.2012 NDS, Moscow, judge Viguzov I. Zoyas Kingdom Candy-ex1, CAC, BOS, RKF CH
Zoyas Kingdom Only Bravo- rjunCAC
23.12.2012 NDS, Russia, Petrozavodsk, judge Stefan Popov (Bulgaria)
Zoyas Kingdom Copyrights Star-ex2, RCW
15.12.2012. Vilnius, Lithuania, International Dog Show, CACIB-FCI, judge Barbara Pallasky(Germany)
Zoya's Kingdom Oligarch - ex.1, CACJ, BOBJ
16.12.2012. Vilnius, Lithuania, International Dog Show, CACIB-FCI, judge Ekaterina Bauzhes
Zoya's Kingdom Oligarch - ex.1, CACJ, BOBJ Owner Benita Krasovska
8.12.2012 Austria, Cacib Wels, judge Ingrid Ehold (A)
Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady -1 ex., CAC2, rCACIB
Zoya s Kingdom Marvel - ex.1, CACJ, Jugendbester
Owner Fedorova Galina
1-2.12.2012 Nitra, Slovakia ,DUOCACIB, Judge- Jozef Suster(SK)Miroslav Gunis(SK)
Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady -1 ex., CAC, rCACIB
Zoya s Kingdom Marvel - ex.3/6
Junior class
Owner Fedorova Galina
25.11.2012. France, Marseille, International Dog Show, CACIB-FCI, judge Mme Lafay
Zoya's Kingdom Nice Man - 1/7 Excellent in junior class (9 months)
Owner Sabine Artaud
25.11.2012 NDS, Russia, judge Egorova T. (Moscow)
!!! New Russian Champion !!!
Zoya's Kingdom Only Bravo - ex1, CACJ, BOBJ (9 months)
Zoya's Kingdom Magnat - ex1, CACJ, BOBJ (9 months)
17.11.2012 NDS, Moscow, Russia, judge Jerenkova T.
!!! new Russian Champion and RKF champion !!!
11.11.2012 Samara, NDS, judge Erusalimskii E.
Zoya's Kingdom Ingot of Gold - ex1., CAC, Best male Owner Kudryavinkova Elena
10-11-2012 International dog Show CACIB FCI, Riga, Latvia, judge Kares Juha(Fin)
Zoya's Kingdom Oligarch - VP1, BOBpuppy Owner Benita Krasovska
04.11.2012 International dog Show CACIB FCI, Serbia, Belgrade, judge Andric Slavoljub
Owner Fedorova Galina
28-10-2012 International dog Show CACIB FCI, Lvov, Ukraine, judge Poletaeva I.
14.10.2012 NDS Legionowo, Poland, judge Sonia Philippou-Kelveri Zoya's Kingdom Natural Picasso- VP1, BOBpuppy Owner Agata Hubert
EURO DOG SHOW 2012 judge KHOMASURIDZE REVAZZoya's Kingdom Oligarch - VP2, (puppy class) Owner Benita Krasovska
30.09.2012 Tulln, Austria , Bundessieger, Judge- Bolter Gerda(A)
Zoya s Kingdom Marvel - VP 1, Best Puppy
Zoya s Kingdom Irresistible Lady-1/5 ex., CW, CAC Owner Fedorova Galina
29.09.2012 Tulln, Austria, Chihuahua Club Austria ,Clubsiegerschau 2012, Judge Petermayer Monika(A) Zoya s Kingdom Marvel - VP 1 (Jungstenklasse) Zoya s Kingdom Irresistible Lady-3 ex. ( Zwischenklasse)
22.09.2012 Samara, RKF Champion dog show, judge Vija Klucniece (Latvia)
Zoya's Kingdom Ingot of Gold - ex1., CAC, BOS, RKF CH, BOB !!!
15.09.2012 Ufa, RKF Champion dog show, judge Krakovskaya
Zoya s Kingdom Irresistible Lady - Junior Champion of Serbia! Lady is now J Russian Ch, J Czech Ch, J Slovakian Ch and Serbia Ch !!! Owner Fedorova Galina
8.09.2012 Riga, Latvia, FCI IX Group Show, judges Brigita Vitoliņa & Galina Zaharova Zoya's Kingdom Oligarch - VP1, BOBpuppy, BISpuppy-3 !!! Owner Benita Krasovska
8.09.2012 Samara, RKF Champion dog show, judge Krucenko E. BIS -II!!! (couple) Owner Kudryavinkova Elena
Zoya's Kingdom Ingot of Gold - RCAC Goldy is first going on a video (with handler in blue)
Zoya's Kingdom Luxury- ex.1, CACJ, BOSJ
8.09.2012 NDS Warsaw, Poland, judge Chaikovskaya Flera Zoya's Kingdom Natural Picasso- VP1, BOBpuppy Owner Agata Hubert
25.08.2012 Podolsk(Moscow region), Nat.
show , judge Reshetnikova S. Owner Fedorova Galina
26-08-2012 International dog Show in BIAŁYSTOK(Poland), judge Zofia Konderla(PL) Zoya's Kingdom Natural Picasso- VP1, BOBpuppy Owner Agata Hubert
11.08.2012 Ekaterinburg, Nat. dog show, judge Sedyh Nikolai Zoya's Kingdom Je t'aime- ex.1, CAC, BOS, BOB Owner Negodaeva Yana
11.08.2012 Tver, National Dog Show, judge Sedyh Natalia
ex.1, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB (smooth coat) and BIG-2!!!
11.08.2012 Tver, National Dog Show, judge Kremnev M.
11-08-2012 Chihua show in Slovakia, judge Arnold Schwarz Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady Owner Fedorova Galina - ex.4/15 junior class
05-08-2012 National Dog Show in Zakopane (Poland), judge Mrs. Anna Rogowska Zoya's Kingdom Natural Picasso- VP1, BOBbaby Owner Agata Hubert Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady Owner Fedorova Galina - ex.1, CACJ, BOSJ, BOBJ !
21.07.2012 in England at s/c championship show Zoya's Kingdom Imperius VHC Junior
8.07.2012 National Dog Show , Ogre, Latvia, judge Igoris Zizevskis Zoya's Kingdom Oligarch - VP1, BOBbaby, BISbaby-3 Owner Benita Krasovska
1.07.2012 International dog show, Genk, Belgium, judge Kristy Louhi (Fin)
Zoya's Kingdom Junior Boss - ex.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS !!! Owner Hilde Ceusters
11.06.2012 National Dog Show, RKF Champion, Zarechnii, judge Krilova E.
Zoya's kingdom Je t'aime (Pahkinan Copyright x Zoya's Kingdom Aleksandria)- Owner Negodaeva Yana ex.1, CAC, CH RFSS
10.06.2012 National Dog Show, Petrozavodsk(Rus), judge Sedih Nikolai
Zoya's Kingdom Image of Russia -
(smooth coat) and BIG-2 !!!
Misty Meadow's Mrs. Miracle - ex.1, CACJ, BOBJ, BOB (Long coat) !!!
Angel Zoya's Kingdom iz Doma Kunets - ex.1, CAC, BOS
2.06.2012 Samara, National Dog Show, judge Hizhnyak (UKR)
(Pahkinan Copyright x Zoya's Kingdom Aleksandria)- Owner Ukolova Vera
ex.1, CACJ, BOSJ, BOBJ, BOB !!! 3/06/2012 Moscow, National Dog Show, Judge Slukin S. (Ukr), BIG - judge Nemanja JOVANOVIC
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic (Pahkinan Copyright x Zoya's Kingdom Aleksandria) - ex.1, CAC, BOS, BOB (smooth coat) and BIG-1 !!!
(Pahkinan Copyright x SA Fransuaza)- Owner Fedorova Galina ex.1, CACJ, BOBJ, BOB (Long coat) !!!
On this show of our dogs was registered only long-haired female Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady (Pahkinan Copyright x SA Fransuaza) Owner Fedorova Galina ex.1, CACJ, BOBJ, BOB and BIG-2 !!!
And Lady became Junior Champion of Russia in 2 days!!!
2.06.2012 Moscow (Himki) National dog show, RKF CH, judge JOLANDA NAGLER MAGAL ( ISR )
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic (Pahkinan Copyright x Zoya's Kingdom Aleksandria)
- ex.1, CAC, BOS, RKF CH !!!
(Pahkinan Copyright x SA Fransuaza)- Owner Fedorova Galina ex.1, CACJ, BOBJ !!!
Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady
19.05.2012 WORLD DOG SHOW - 2012 SALZBURG , Austria Zoya's Kingdom Image of Russia- ex.5 (junior class, 24 f.), Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic- ex., Zoya's Kingdom Candy- VP, Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady- ex.
20.05.2012 Sizran, National dog show, judge Reshetnikova
Zoya's Kingdom Ingot of Gold - ex.1, CACJ, BOSJ Owner Kudryavinkova Elena !!! New Junior Russian Champion !!!
13.05.2012 Bratislava, International dog show, judge Gabriela Ridarčíková (SK)
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic- ex.1, CAC, CACIBres
Zoya's Kingdom Candy- VP1, BOB puppy
Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady- ex.1, CACJ Owner Fedorova Galina
05.05.2012 Samara, International dog show CACIB-FCI, judge Butrimova K.
Zoya's Kingdom Ingot of Gold - ex.1, CACJ, BOSJ, BOBJ Owner Kudryavinkova Elena
29.04.2012 N. Novgorod, RKF Champion dog show Son of Pahkinan Copyright Anastasia Andros Stuart Stella Spek - VP 1, BOB baby Owner Svetlana (Stella Spek kennel)
28.04.2012 International dof show in Zadar, Croatia, judge SRECKO KUKIC Zoya's Kingdom Jewel-ex.1, CAC Owner Agata Feluch
21.04.2012 N. Tagil, National dog show, judge Karel Horak (Czeh) Zoya's Kingdom Lode Star- VP, BOS baby, BOB baby Owner Lazareva Ekaterina
21.04.2012 N. Tagil, mono chihua show, judge Kovadlo L. Zoya's kingdom Je t'aime - CC Owner Negodaeva Yana
15.04.2012 Samara, National dog show, judge Kuplayuskas E.
Zoya's Kingdom Ingot of Gold - ex.1, CACJ, BOSJ Owner Kudryavinkova Elena
Zoya's Kingdom Jasmin Imperatrice - ex.1, CACJ, BOSJ, BOBJ Owner Ukolova Vera
15.04.2012 International CACIB dog show, Austria, Wieselburg, judge Austria Owner Fedorova Galina
08.04.2012 Petrozavodsk, National dog show, judge Aleksandrov smooth coat Angel Zoya's Kingdom iz Doma Kunets - ex.1, CACJ, Best junior male, BOBJ, BOB
!!! New Junior Russian Champion !!!
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic - ex.1, CAC, Best female
Zoya's Kingdom Image of Russia - ex.1, CACJ, Best junior female
08.04.2012 Petrozavodsk, National dog show, judge Gorshkova
smooth coat Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic - ex.1, CAC, Best female, BOB
Angel Zoya's Kingdom iz Doma Kunets - ex.1, CACJ, Best junior male, BOBJ
Zoya's Kingdom Image of Russia - ex.1, CACJ, Best junior female
18.03.2012 St-Petersburg, National dog show, judge Gachina
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic - ex.1, CAC, BOS, BOB
Zoya's Kingdom Image of Russia - ex.1, CACJ, Best junior
Zoya's Kingdom Empress - ex.1, CAC, BOS
18.03.2012 St-Petersburg, National dog show, judge Sedih Nikolai
Zoya's Kingdom Empress - ex.1, CAC, BOS, BOB (long coat)
!!! New Russian Champion !!!
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic - ex.1, CAC, BOS, BOB (smooth coat)
Zoya's Kingdom Image of Russia - RCW, RCACJ
18.03.2012 Samara, National dog show, judge Permyakov ( Rus)
Zoya's Kingdom Jasmin Imperatrice - ex.1, CACJ, Best junior
CACIB ZAGREB, 03.03.2012, Croatia, judge JOLANDA NAGLER MAGAL ( ISR )
Zoya's Kingdom Candy - VP1, BOB Baby Owner Fedorova Galina Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady- ex.2, RCW Owner Fedorova Galina Zoya's Kingdom Empress - ex.1, CAC, CACIB, Best Female
CACIB ZAGREB, 04.03.2012, Croatia, judge VIBOR JEŽEK ( HR )
Owner Fedorova Galina Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady- ex.2, RCW Owner Fedorova Galina Zoya's Kingdom Empress - ex.1, CAC, RCACIB
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic
26.02.2012 International CACIB dog show, Austria, Graz
On Nationale d'Elevage Bourges, France (332 chihuahuas)
Zoya's Kingdom Imperius 4th EXC out of 20 in his class,
Congrats to his owner Wanda Egger
12/02/2012 Chelabinsk, National dog show- RKF Champion, judge Raduk (Bel)
04. 02. 2012 Brno, Czech, CACIB International dog show, Judge Leoš Jančík, CZ (long coat 25 m+23 f)
Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady - CACJ, Best junior female, BOB junior! Owner Fedorova Galina
Zoya's Kingdom Image Of Russia - CACJ, Best junior female, BOB jun, BOB!!! (smooth coat 18 m+24 f)
Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic -RCW, RCAC Zoya's Kingdom Empress-RCW, RCAC
05. 02. 2012 Brno, Czech, CACIB International dog show, Judge J. Matyáš, Slo (smooth coat 18 m+24 f) Zoya's Kingdom Doll Fantastic -ex.1, CW, CAC
05. 02. 2012 Brno, Czech, CACIB International dog show, Judge Chantal Méry(France) (long coat 32 m+28 f) Zoya's Kingdom Irresistible Lady - RCW, RCACJ (12 junior females) Zoya's Kingdom Empress-RCW, RCAC (5 f)
2010 2010
- 1
28.04.2011 puppies were born Parents: Int, Multi CH Shah Arpilin Fransuaza & Int, Multi CH Pahkinan Copyright __________
Show results 2010:
Int. Champion -1 Prize Winner of World Dog Show - 1 Russian Ch - 6 Belorussian Ch - 2 Montenegro Ch - 1 Macedonian Ch - 1 Bulgarian Ch - 1 Balkan Ch - 1 RKF Ch - 4 Nevskii Winner - 1 Jun Russian Ch - 2 Jun Belorussian Ch - 1 Jun Montenegro Ch - 1 Jun Macedonian Ch - 1 Jun Bulgarian Ch - 1 Jun Balkan Ch - 1 Jun Eurasia Winner - 2 BIS Winners - 6 BIS Puppy - 1 BIS - 2 BIS pare cup - 2 |
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